Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Dubuque

When you’re going through prenatal chiropractic care in Dubuque, incredible developments are happening day by day. Your ligaments start to relax as your body prepares to give birth to your beloved baby. Your posture shifts as your center of gravity moves with your growing belly. Aches and pains might seem inevitable, but at Family First Chiropractic Wellness Center, we can help you stay comfortable and healthy through each trimester.
Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Dubuque
Chiropractic can allow for a release of tension in the body so that you can relax. The adjustments we give to expecting moms are safe, gentle and specific. With chiropractic care, you can experience a more comfortable pregnancy, quicker labor times and an easier delivery. When your uterine ligaments and muscles are relaxed and in the proper position, your baby can turn around at the right time.
Our natural form of health care can even reduce your stress response, which can help with the cascade of hormones during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
We may recommend more frequent visits when you begin care to build your health to a more optimal level. As you progress through the first trimester and into the second, you may not see us as frequently unless we are working on a particular issue. As your delivery date nears, if need be, we can see you more often to better prepare your body for birth.
Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy
After your successful birth, it’s vital to continue care so that you can stay well and keep experiencing the highest levels of wellness. We want you to get the most out of all three trimesters with our gentle and effective pregnancy care.
One of Dr. Jack’s patients was a mom with two kids who couldn’t take a deep breath. She was often in the emergency room and had been to Iowa City hospitals, Dubuque hospitals, and other clinics to find out what was wrong. Her lungs were fine, and no test showed any abnormalities. Frustrated, she tried chiropractic care. For the first time since her daughter was born 2 years earlier, she was able to take a deep breath!
At Family First Chiropractic Wellness Center in Dubuque, we are trained to provide gentle, natural and effective treatment to you and your child.
7:00am - 12:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
7:00am - 12:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Family First Chiropractic
Wellness Center
998 Fremont Avenue Suite L1
Dubuque, IA 52003
(563) 556-6921